20 shocking & short facts about Cats

20 shocking & short facts about Cats

1. Cats are the most popular pet in the world, with over 500 million domesticated cats.

2.Cats are one of the oldest domesticated animals, with evidence of their domestication dating back over 10,000 years.

3.Cats are skilled hunters and can catch prey with incredible speed and agility.

4.Cats can see in almost complete darkness due to their reflective eye structure.

5.A group of cats is called a "clowder."

6.Cats spend an average of 15 hours a day sleeping.

7.A cat's nose is unique to each individual, like a human's fingerprint.

8.Cats can jump up to six times their body length in a single leap.

9.A cat's tongue is covered in tiny barbs that help them groom their fur and drink water more efficiently.

10.Cats have a keen sense of smell and can distinguish scents that humans cannot.

11.The average cat lifespan is around 12-15 years, but some cats have been known to live into their 20s.

12.There are over 100 different breeds of cats, ranging in size and coat color.

13.Cats are social animals and enjoy spending time with their owners and other cats.

14.Unlike dogs, cats do not have a sweet tooth and cannot taste sweet flavors.

15.A cat's brain is more similar to a human's brain than a dog's brain.

16.Cats are believed to have healing properties, with purring being associated with reducing stress and promoting healing.

17Cats are typically more active at night and in the early morning, which is referred to as their "crepuscular" activity.

18The scientific name for a domestic cat is "Felis catus."

19The first cat in space was named "Félicette" and was launched by the French government in 1963.

20Cats have an excellent sense of balance due to their inner ear structure and can often land on their feet even when falling from great heights.

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